Initial reactions from around the 'net
- Gentoo forums thread
- Another from Gentoo forums, ebuild info
- 0.1 release on Gentoo forums, more ebuild info
- Mandrake Cooker mailing list thread, brief discussion about Kahakai RPM's, etc.
- Introduction on
- 0.1 Release on
- Brief discussion on ruby-talk mailing list
- Weblog of one of developers
- Waimea, the window manager that Kahakai forked from.
- Ion, a keyboard-oriented "tiling" window manager, newer versions have scripting via Lua.
- Sawfish, a window manager with comprehensive scripting facilities via Lisp, via librep.
- PLWM, The "Pointless" window manager, a python package for building a window manager in pure python
- PyWM - A python-ised flwm