Your Kahakai configuration files will all reside inside of your $HOME/.kahakai directory. If this directory does not exist upon startup, Kahakai will create it and populate it with the default configuration files.
The files in $PREFIX/share/kahakai that begin with "home_" are the same ones that are automatically copied to $HOME/.kahakai the first time you run Kahakai. When put into your home directory, the "home_" prefix is removed.
One thing to note is that development of Kahakai can happen at a fairly rapid pace, and some releases will require modification of your old configuration files. Generally there will be a file describing any such changes within the doc/ subdirectory of the Kahakai source. For example, in 0.5, some things in changed, and accordingly, there is a file describing the changes in doc/userconfig-migration-0.5. |